mercredi 26 novembre 2014

Ana Vidovic, guitar - Serenata del Mar

Ana Vidovic, guitar - Serenata del Mar
~ Ana Vidovic performing 'Serenata del Mar' at Zuidlaren Guitar Festival in 2009 ~
Lì sul ciglio, assorta nel silenzio, ascolto il canto delle onde... e il canto del vento... e con mute parole dipingo il mare...
Le spumose onde si rincorrono in una danza perpetua mosse dal soffio della brezza.....
O, brezza marina, inebriami col tuo potere!
... Coriandoli d'acqua salata fluttuano sull'azzurro tappeto del mare andando altrove, fino a dissetare sua maestà il Re Sole, immobile spettatore, da sempre assoluto padrone e gran signore!
Sorrido: tra le due forze - mare e vento - in continuo movimento, il terzo, inchiodato lassù nel cielo, piacere riscuote... e splendendo, a modo suo, gode!
Ana Vidović (born 8 November 1980 in Karlovac, SR Croatia, Yugoslavia) is one of the youngest virtuoso guitarists in the world. She started playing guitar at the age of five, inspired by her brother Viktor. By the age of 11 she was performing internationally, and at 13 became the youngest student to attend the prestigious National Musical Academy in Zagreb where she studied with Professor Istvan Romer. Vidović's reputation in Europe led to an invitation to study at the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, U.S., with Manuel Barrueco, from where she graduated in May 2003. In an interview, she has stated that she plays lots of scales and uses a metronome.[1]
Vidović has won an impressive number of prizes and international competitions all over the world. These include first prizes in the Albert Augustine International Competition in Bath, England, the Fernando Sor competition in Rome, Italy, and the Francisco Tárrega competition in Benicasim, Spain. Other top prizes include the Eurovision Competition for Young Artists, the Mauro Giuliani competition in Italy, the Printemps de la Guitare in Belgium, and the Young Concert Artists International Auditions in New York.
Ana Vidović has given over one thousand public performances since first taking the stage in 1988. Her international performance career includes recitals in London, Paris, Vienna, Salzburg, Rome, Budapest, China, Warsaw, Tel Aviv, Oslo, Copenhagen, Toronto, Baltimore, San Francisco, Knoxville, Houston, Austin, Dallas, St. Louis, Jakarta,and Zuidlaren.
(from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
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