That was yesterday 1

That was yesterday 1

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My best of music


'That was yesterday' est un site qui n'a que pour seule ambtion que le partage de musique,films et séries TV que nous aimons et que vous aimez . Devenez membre et participez à la création d'articles de votre choix,commentez et donnez votre avis .

lundi 31 mars 2014

Michael Jackson Dangerous +delete songs Full album 1991

Michael Jackson Dangerous +delete songs Full album 199

1 Jam 00:00
2 Why You Wanna Trip On Me 05:36
3 In the Closet 10:57
4 She Drives Me Wild 17:27
5 Remember the Time 21:05
6 Can't Let Her Get Away 25:02
7 Heal the World 29:59
8 Black or White 36:19
9 Who Is It 39:34
10 Give in to Me 46:06
11 Will You Be There 51:31
12 Keep The Faith 55:20
13 Gone Too Soon 1:01:04
14 Dangerous 1:04:22
Lista utworów usuniętych z albumu:
15 For all time 1:11:13
16 Dangerous (early version) 1:15:12
17 (Ralph Tresvant) Alright now 1:21:49
18 Do you know where your children are ? 1:25:52
19 If you don't love me 1:30:38
20 Serious effect 1:35:03
21 Monkey business 1:39:58
22 She got it 1:45:31
23 Work that body 1:49:59
24 Lisa it's your birthday 1:53:24
25 Someone put your hand out 1:54:56

Frank Zappa - Cheap Thrills [Full Album]

Frank Zappa - Cheap Thrills [Full Album]


Telex - Voice 1984

Telex - Voice 1984


Renaud - Mistral Gagnant

Renaud - Mistral Gagnant


LAURENT VOULZY....rockollection ( 1977 )

LAURENT VOULZY....rockollection ( 1977 )


Roger Hodgson performing School live at the Pacific Amphitheatre 2013

Roger Hodgson performing School live at the Pacific Amphitheatre 2013


Fool's Overture, Roger Hodgson - Voice of Supertramp, with Orchestra

Fool's Overture, Roger Hodgson - Voice of Supertramp, with Orchestra