That was yesterday 1

That was yesterday 1

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My best of music


'That was yesterday' est un site qui n'a que pour seule ambtion que le partage de musique,films et séries TV que nous aimons et que vous aimez . Devenez membre et participez à la création d'articles de votre choix,commentez et donnez votre avis .

vendredi 3 octobre 2014

Jimmy Page 1957

Jimmy Page 1957
      Jimmy Page 1957 (Huw Wheldon Show, BBC TV 1957). It is a very beautiful image!! Mama Don't Want To Skiffle Anymore / Cottonfield

John Coltrane Blue Train Full Album

John Coltrane Blue Train Full Album

Motley Crue - Live in Kansas 1989 [Full Concert]

Motley Crue - Live in Kansas 1989 [Full Concert]

01 - Intro
 02 - Kickstart My Heart
 03 - Red Hot
 04 - Rattlesnake Shake
 05 - Too Young To Fall in Love
 06 - Shout At The Devil
 07 - Live Wire
 08 - Same Ol' Situation
 09 - Slice Of Your pie
 10 - Guitar solo
 11 - Drum Solo
 12 - Looks That Kill
 13 - Smokin In The Boys Room
 14 - Wild Side
 15 - Girls Girls Girls
 16 - Home Sweet Home
 17 - Dr.Feelgood
 18 - Jailhouse Rock


The best indian chillout - Spiritual India (mixed by SpringLady)

The best indian chillout - Spiritual India (mixed by SpringLady)



Ufomammut - Idolum (FULL)

Ufomammut - Idolum (FULL)


Brainticket - 1971 - Cottonwood Hill [Full Album]

Brainticket - 1971 - Cottonwood Hill [Full Album]


I do not own the copyright to this recording so if it needs to be removed, I will remove it.
If you like this album please buy it for the full experience

1. Black Sand (00:00) (Ron Bryer/Joel Vandroogenbroeck)
2. Places Of Light (04:05) (Ron Bryer / Dawn Muir/Joel Vandroogenbroeck)
3. Brainticket Part I (08:11) (Ron Bryer / Kolbe/ Dawn Muir/Joel Vandroogenbroeck)
4. Brainticket Part I [Conclusion] (16:32) (Ron Bryer / Kolbe/ Dawn Muir/Joel Vandroogenbroeck)
5. Brainticket Part II (21:08)- (Ron Bryer / Kolbe/ Dawn Muir/Joel Vandroogenbroeck)
- Ron Bryer / guitar
- Werner Fröhlich / bass
- Helmuth Kolbe / keyboards
- Cosimo Lampis / drums
- Dawn Muir / vocals
- Wolfgang Paap / percussion
- Werni Prahlach / bass
- Joel Vandroogenbroeck / keyboards, flute, vocals


Creedence Clearwater Revival-Royal Albert Hall - 1970

Creedence Clearwater Revival-Royal Albert Hall - 197