That was yesterday 1

That was yesterday 1

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'That was yesterday' est un site qui n'a que pour seule ambtion que le partage de musique,films et séries TV que nous aimons et que vous aimez . Devenez membre et participez à la création d'articles de votre choix,commentez et donnez votre avis .

samedi 22 novembre 2014

Grand Funk Railroad - Greatest Hits (Full Album)

Grand Funk Railroad - Greatest Hits (Full Album)


1 - We're an American Band 00:00 - 03:27
2 - Time Machine 03:28 - 07:13
3 - Walk Like A Man (You Can Call Me Your Man) 07:14 - 11:19
4 - Some Kind Of Wonderful 11:20 - 14:41
5 - Shinin' On 14:42 - 20:38
6 - Heartbreaker 20:39 - 27:14
7 - Rock & Roll Soul 27:15 - 30:47
8 - The Loco-Motion 30:48 - 33:35
9 - Footstompin' Music 33:36 - 37:23
10 - Mean Mistreater (Live) 37:24 - 42:10
11 - Take Me 42:11 - 47:20
12 - Bad Time 47:21 - 50:15
13 - I'm Your Captain/Closer To Home 50:16 - 1:00:14
14 - Inside Looking Out 1:00:15 - 1:09:49


Nat King Cole Baby Won't You Say You Love Me Video original Remastering

Nat King Cole Baby Won't You Say You Love Me Video original Remastering
From the Complete Album " Nat King Cole - In Person (New Remastering) ", available to I-Tunes, Amazon, Google play and more store

Radio Moscow - Brain Cycles (Full Album)

Radio Moscow - Brain Cycles (Full Album)

Radio Moscow is an American psychedelic band from Iowa. This album came out 2009.
00:00 - I just don't know
5:01 - Broke down
9:17 - The escape
13:17 - No good woman
21:31 - Brain Cycles
24:55 - 250 miles
29:47 - Hold on me
33:07 - Black boot
35:11 - City lights
39:09 - No jane




2007 : Radio Moscow

2009 : Brain Cycles

2011 : The Great Escape of Leslie Magnafuzz

2012 : 3 and 3 quarter

2014 : Magical Dirt

Black Market Karma - Comatose (Full Album)

Black Market Karma - Comatose (Full Album)


Black Market Karma is a psychedelic rock band from London. This album came out 2012.
You can download this and every other album free at !
00:00 - Dee Dee
5:20 - Pulling Shapes
10:28 - Run Run Run
15:11 - March
21:11 - I can't save you
25:31 - All these things
31:06 - Comatose
36:41 - Weightless
42:41 - It's gone
47:57 - The way it was
52:49 - Washout