That was yesterday 1

That was yesterday 1

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'That was yesterday' est un site qui n'a que pour seule ambtion que le partage de musique,films et séries TV que nous aimons et que vous aimez . Devenez membre et participez à la création d'articles de votre choix,commentez et donnez votre avis .

dimanche 2 novembre 2014

Gipsy project // Bireli Lagrene //


Gipsy project - Bireli Lagrene


Birelli Lagrene & Al Di Meola & Larry Coryell -"Super Guitar Trio"

Birelli Lagrene & Al Di Meola & Larry Coryell -"Super Guitar Trio"

Al Di Meola / Larry Coryell / Biréli Lagrène "Super Guitar Trio"
An exceptional reunion of this guitar trio for the occasion. A real treat! Featuring the indefatigable Al Di Meola, whose performance in last year's Festival was acclaimed by a crowd gone wild, Biréli Lagrène, the young Frenchman revealed by the Festival in 1985, will contribute his gypsy qualifications. They will be joined by yet another musician graced with magic fingers, Larry Coryell, who played in last year's Festival. Three guitars, three remarkabie virtuosos, three major musicians on the international scene.

Julian Bream Concert 1978


Julian Bream Concert 1978