That was yesterday 1

That was yesterday 1

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My best of music


'That was yesterday' est un site qui n'a que pour seule ambtion que le partage de musique,films et séries TV que nous aimons et que vous aimez . Devenez membre et participez à la création d'articles de votre choix,commentez et donnez votre avis .

jeudi 25 décembre 2014

Noora Noor full album

Noora Noor full album

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man have done 00:00 - 4:00
Someone you use 4:00 - 7:31
Funky way 7:31 - 11:07
Forget what I said 11:07 - 14:26
Your good thing 14:26 - 18:45
Little ghetto boy 18:45 - 22:42
She will break your heart 22:42 - 27:12
Dedication 27:12 - 31:44
Musiq 31:44 - 38:46
Die for you 38:46 - 43:08
Move on up 43:08 - 49:01
You will always be free 49:01 - 52:30

Emerald Isle Album

Emerald Isle Album

The Emerald Isle (Title Theme) 0:00
She Wove a Clock of Many Yarns 8:07
The Jolly Beggar 13:51
Fair, Brown and Trembling 17:17
Yellow Lily 24:16
Keester McGee's Favorite Drinking Song 29:53
The Rose of Tralee / Danny Boy 33:13
The Enchanted Valley / Farewell to Ireland / Calínan Tí Mhoír 41:43
Spike Island Lasses / Seín Sa Cheo 47:18
Amanda's Wedding 50:59
Album title: Emerald Isle