That was yesterday 1

That was yesterday 1

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mardi 21 octobre 2014

Hit The Road Jack - Tommy Emmanuel & Igor Presnyakov

Hit The Road Jack - Tommy Emmanuel & Igor Presnyakov
Tommy and Igor meet for the first time and collaborate on this classic tune! Thank you to all the people who requested for this moment to happen!
Camera: Svjatoslav Presnyakov and Clara Emmanuel
Editing: Svjatoslav Presnyakov
Audio: Svjatoslav Presnyakov
Produced by Presnyakov Music Productions
guitar: Custom Maton EBGTE 808
Igor's guitar: Alhambra model CTWE -5P
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The Nice/ Autumn to Spring (FULL ALBUM)

The Nice/ Autumn to Spring (FULL ALBUM)
The Thoughts of Emerlist Davjack 0:01
Flower King of Flies 4:18
Bonnie K 7:58
America 11:25
Diamond Hard Blue Apples of the Moon Dawn 17:40
Tantalizin' Maggie 20:40
The Cry of Eugene 30:12
Daddy Where Did I Come From 34:49
Keith Emerson -- Keyboards
Lee ]ackson - Bass and Vocals
Davy O'List- Lead Guitar
Brian Davison - Drums