That was yesterday 1

That was yesterday 1

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samedi 11 octobre 2014

Titus Groan - Titus Groan ( 1970)[FULL ALBUM]

Titus Groan - Titus Groan ( 1970)[FULL ALBUM]

I do not own the copyright to this recording so if it needs to be removed, I will remove it.
If you like this album please buy it for the full experience

01. It Wasn't For You-00.00(Stuart Cowell-Tony Priestland)
02. Hall Of Bright Carvings-05:32(Cowell-Priestland-Lee-Too­mey)
- Theme
- Dusty High-Value Hall
- The Burning
- Theme
03. I Can't Change-17:12(John Lee)
04. It's All Up With Us-22:55 (Cowell-Priestland-Lee-Toomey)
05. Fuschia-29:04(Tony Priestland)
06. Open The Door Homer [Bonus]-35:29
07. Woman Of The World [Bonus]-39:00
08. Liverpool [Bonus]-43:31
Stuart Cowell-Guitars,Organ,Piano
Tony Priestland-Sax,Flute,Oboe
John Lee-Bass
Jim Toomey-Drums,Percussion


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